Tuesday, April 21, 2015

20 High PR Social Bookmarking sites

Publishers who wants to get relevant traffic, Social bookmarking sites is much effective for them.

This kind of backlink helps to drive traffic for your blog, forum, news site, money site etc. But here is a question. Does all social bookmarking sites is good for your site? May Google punish your website by de-indexing from its search result? The answer is, you should make quality backlink. You shouldn't make huge backlink from low quality site. So the solution is, you should make high quality backlinks form high page rank sites.

Today I'm going to share with you some high page rank social bookmarking sites. But I'm not going to share those site directly because of some security reason. You should follow some simple steps to get those High PR sites.

Here is some footprint to get those sites. Just copy those footprint. Search them with Google and you will be able to find out those sites.

Here is those footprint to get those bookmarking sites.

"neuewege2020 Social Bookmarking site"
"nocxx Social Bookmarking site"
"senrosgroup Social Bookmarking site"
"jewishvalueonline Social Bookmarking site"
"privilegebank-online Social Bookmarking site"
"tomallanformayor Social Bookmarking site"
"campuscareerguides Social Bookmarking site"
"amrapaliuploads Social Bookmarking site"
"bumperphones Social Bookmarking site"
"eastlandshore Social Bookmarking site"
"hallsopt Social Bookmarking site"
"hmcsony Social Bookmarking site"
"i-audioguide Social Bookmarking site"
"alotofchocolates Social Bookmarking site"
"4ourthmobile Social Bookmarking site"
"amelngroup Social Bookmarking site"
"annarborradio Social Bookmarking site"
"auntdimity Social Bookmarking site"
"backupmypop Social Bookmarking site"
"birdiesforthehouse Social Bookmarking site"

Also I have some instruction to make your bookmarks live and alive.

·         You should not use copy pest content to make those bookmarks.
·         Your description should not be much longer.
·         Make a simple description within 100-160 words.
·         These bookmarking site using auto filter to detect spammer.
Best of luck!